For agro-based country like India in water-limited environments, hydroclimate variability, changes in the balance of precipitation and evapotranspiration, may be another key factor. The benefits of interacting with others in different drought regimes can outweigh the costs of traveling longer distances.
We will provide near-future projection of hydro-climate variables over the Indian sub-continent up to district-level.
Datasets provided will be – Rainfall, Soil Moisture and different climatic indices like SPI, SPEI, PET, PDSI, PHDI and PMDI
a) SPI: Standardized Precipitation Index, utilizing both gamma and Pearson Type III distributions.
b) SPEI: Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, utilizing both gamma and Pearson Type III distributions.
c) PET: Potential Evapo-Transpiration, utilizingeither Thornthwaite or Hargreaves equations.
d) PDSI: Palmer Drought Severity Index.
e) PHDI: Palmer Hydrological Drought Index.
f) PMDI, Palmer Modified Drought Index.
Hydroclimatic Extremes (Cyclones, Extreme Rainfall) images and data will be provided at 1 hour interval during the time of severe events.