Welcome To Met Simulation

Met Simulation provides the customized meteorological point, area specific solutions in the environmental sector on a globe, we also provides real time forecast for atmospheric, wave and ocean. We are also providing geo-spatial data processing services.


SENTINEL-5P The datasets are important for the identification of emission source locations/hotspot zones.

a) Real-time spatial imagery of O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO and aerosolsfor last 3-days over India.
b) Location-specific time series datasets.
c) Spatial Monthly mean datasets over India/ specific region.

REAL-TIME CLOUD IMAGES from Meteosat 8, FY-4A, INSAT-3DR, NOAA 18/19/20 satellites.

Wind and Solar

We have the expertise in providing renewable energy solutions and deep knowledge of wind and solar energy which provides better margins and a competitive advantage to its customers thereby being able to provide and sustain the very best in renewable energy solutions.

Dataset provided includes :-

(a) Wind Power Density (over 50m, 80m, 100m and 120m) spatial images over Asia, Europe, Australia, China, Africa, North and South America at every 15 minutes interval.

(b) Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR), Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) and Diffused Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) spatial images over India at every 15 minutes interval.

(c) Location-specific time-series forecast data at every 15 minutes interval is also provided.

Air Quality

Air pollution has emerged as a major environmental challenge in Indian cities and across the states. Complexity of the problem is due to multiplicity of emission sources, such as, industries, automobiles, generator sets, domestic fuel burning, road side dusts, construction activities, etc and a vibrant meteorology across climatic zones.

Various products from the forecasting system includePM10, PM2.5, CH4, SO2, NO2, CO, Fire Counts, Dust Storms, Visibility and Fog.

We provide spatial images and location-specific air quality forecast at every 15 minutes interval.

We also provide Air Quality Index for particular locations over India.


For agro-based country like India in water-limited environments, hydroclimate variability, changes in the balance of precipitation and evapotranspiration, may be another key factor. The benefits of interacting with others in different drought regimes can outweigh the costs of traveling longer distances.

We will provide near-future projection of hydro-climate variables over the Indian sub-continent up to district-level.

Datasets provided will be – Rainfall, Soil Moisture and different climatic indices like SPI, SPEI, PET, PDSI, PHDI and PMDI

a) SPI: Standardized Precipitation Index, utilizing both gamma and Pearson Type III distributions.
b) SPEI: Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, utilizing both gamma and Pearson Type III distributions.
c) PET: Potential Evapo-Transpiration, utilizingeither Thornthwaite or Hargreaves equations.
d) PDSI: Palmer Drought Severity Index.
e) PHDI: Palmer Hydrological Drought Index.
f) PMDI, Palmer Modified Drought Index.

Hydroclimatic Extremes (Cyclones, Extreme Rainfall) images and data will be provided at 1 hour interval during the time of severe events.


We will location-specific high-resolution meteorological datasets (surface and pressure level WRF model-derived) with 1-hour temporal resolution using MMIE for a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum period of 60+ years.

The provided datasets will be usable for AGROMET, SOLAR Energy, ADMS, AERMOD, CALPUFF and ISEI.


Specific services provided for reading different types of dataset formats (viz. ASCII, FWF, CSV, EXCEL, METAR, netCDF, GRIB-1/2)

Specific services will also be provided for plotting different types of data at various spatial and temporal resolution